OverStitch™OverStitch Sx™ Endoscopic Suturing System
Product Number: ESS-G02-SX1
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Product Details
- Working Length: 127cm (50in)
- Helix Offset (Hx): 2.6mm
- Bite Width (Bw): 5mm
- Tower Height (Th): 19.8mm
- Tower Diameter - Open (To): 22.1mm
- Tower Diameter - Closed (Tc)*: 15.4mm - 16.4mm (8.8mm - 9.8mm Scope Diameter)
*Mounted on scope. With the Endoscopic Suturing System installed, the endoscope’s effective outer diameter is increased by approximately 7 mm.
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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