AutoCap™ RXAutoCap™ RX Integrated Biopsy Cap and Guidewire Locking Device, EXALT™ Model D Compatible - box of 10
Product Number: M00545131
GTIN: 00191506000745
The AutoCap RX Integrated Biopsy Cap and Guidewire Locking Device is intended to facilitate placement of the guidewire and lock it into place during ERCP procedures. The device also provides access for endoscopic device passage and exchange, helps maintain insufflation, minimizes leakage of biomaterial from the biopsy port throughout the ERCP procedure, and provides access for irrigation.
Potential Benefits of the AutoCap RX:
- One-step, secure scope attachement designed to improve ease of use
- Integrated guidewire locking device designed to allow for simplified use with two guidewire ports
- Sealing & passability designed to reduce leakage of biomaterial while enabling device compatiblity
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Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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